Tip #30: Healthy Weight Loss is Just the Beginning.

I have one parting thought I’d like to leave you with and that is – hang in there.

 Don’t give up.  Don’t get discouraged.

The only time you really fail is when you stop trying.  So, take baby steps every day. Over time you’ll have a healthier life, and that’s what it’s all about.

Thanks for joining me for 30 tips in 30 days.

Transform Yourself!

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

e-mail Joyce at: Joyce@healthcoachjb.com.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach

Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #28: Inflammation and Weight Loss.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

Inflammation of the body is caused as a result of some kind of stress experienced by the body. This stress can be related to diet, lifestyle, or environment.  Dr. A Habits of Health (a book I recommend to everyone who wants to lose weight) devoted a full chapter of this subject.

Study show that Vitamin C, a powerful vitamin, can help put out the fire of inflammation. It can also help with some cancers, and heart disease.

I also recommend fresh air and sun light. You only need about 10- to 20-minutes a day. If you have fair skin, put on some sunscreen and a hat.  Spending a few minutes in the sun light will promote Vitamin D, which also helps promote good health.

Be sure to drink plenty of water, and get your Vitamin C.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.


Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified  Optavia  Coach

Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #27: Friends and Family Weight Loss Results.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

One of the best tips I can tell you is don’t do it alone.

If you’re goal is to lose weight, it is so much more fun, and you will stay on track so much better if you do it with a friend, a spouse, or one of your kids.

Instead of calling your girlfriend and going to a movie, where you’ll  smell all that popcorn, call her up and take her out for a walk, or go out and have a salad. Spend quality time with your friends and family.

Get a buddy. Lose weight with a friend or family member. They will help keep you on course and focused.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #26: Improve Yours Abs While Driving.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

I heard about this and I thought it was so funny. I had to give this a try.

When you’re driving in your car, you can tighten your abs, by changing the angle of your rearview mirror – higher. You have to sit up straighter to see out. It’s supposed to improve your abs.

I adjusted my mirror and took off down the road.  At some point, I went to check the cars behind me and ended up looking at the roof of my inside of my car. It took me a second for this to register and by then I was laughing and realized – it worked.

It made me sit up a little straighter, tighten my stomach muscles, and add a little bit extra ump to my core strengthening.

Give it a try and drive safely.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.  Lose 2- to 5-lbs in the first two weeks, and lose 1- to 2-lbs weekly thereafter. Results may vary.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #25: Grocery Store Shopping and Weight Loss.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

If you have kids, you’re going totally get what I’m about to say. Don’t go to the grocery store hungry, and for goodness sakes, don’t take a bunch of hungry kids with you. If you do, you’ll load up on more items you didn’t plan for like: sugary, high carb, high fat, added junk in your cart.

Before you go to the grocery store, have a protein bar, granola bar, protein shake,  hard-boil a couple of eggs, get rid of the yolks – they’re high in fat, and just eat the  egg whites.

Eat healthier. Shop smarter and spend less, take a list with you.

Whatever you do… don’t go to the grocery store hungry.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #24: Sleep and Weight Loss.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

A bedtime routine and a good night sleep are critical to losing weight.

If you’re trying to lose weight, you have to have a good night sleep. This is when the body repairs itself.

Even on the weekends, stick to a bedtime and a wakeup routine. If you find that on the weekends you’re dragging, and exhausted, the reality is you’re probably burnt the candle a little too late during the week. Be mindful, and get to bed at a reasonable time. You’ll think better the next day.  Your body will be happier, and you’ll shed those unwanted pounds a whole lot easier.

 Good night.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #23: Eating Out – Save Calories and Lose Weight.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

When you know you’re going to eat out, take your own salad dressing with you. If your goal is to lose weight, stay away from the salad dressing, especially the creamy ones; it’s just tons of extra calories.

Instead take a healthy option with you. I like the small wishbone spritzers.  You can pop them in your purse.  Or use some olive oil with some balsamic or red wine vinegar.  Add a little salt and pepper. The other thing you can do is use a slice of lemon, a little salt and pepper.

Please stay away from the creamy house dressings. They are just loaded in calories that you don’t want.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #22: Save Money and Calories.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

It’s a lot healthier to eat at home, when you prepare the meals. You’ll save money and calories.

When you order in a restaurant you may be getting more calories than you asked for. Cooks were taught that butter is flavor. You’ll need to make sure they don’t put a butter or oil finish on your food.

For most of us, too much butter is something we carry on our hips and tummy’s.

Be careful when you order out.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #21: Cravings and Hunger – Weight Loss Tips.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

It’s a daily battle for so many people to make healthy choices. Ask yourself: What would a healthy person do? Stop and think. Even then, good intentions can still get put aside like when a sudden craving hit.  What do you do?

Cravings that hit you out of the blue typically last 10- 15- or 20-minutes.

Many times, people confuse hunger and cravings for thirst or dehydration.  Keep water handy.

This can also be a sign you need better quality nutrition, and possibly some vitamins.

Have a plan.

  1. Make a to-do list so that when those cravings hit you can keep busy and get past those first 15- to 20-minutes.
  2. Keep a glass of water nearby.
  3. Distract yourself from the cravings and 9 out of 10 times, you’ll succeed, and those cravings will go away.
  4.  If you’re still hungry or craving, try an apple. If an apple doesn’t sound good you may be bored, tired, angry, or lonely.
  5. Get some rest.
  6. Call a friend, or your weight loss health coach.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #20: Heart Health – Going Meatless Once a Week.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

Have you thought about having a meatless meal, and maybe going a little vegetarian once a week with your family?  

I know if you’re listening to this in cattle country, or you’re a big poultry or fish eater, you’re going think, no, no, I need my protein.

Studies have shown that people who do a meatless meal have better cardiovascular health.

So you might want to think of sautéing some veggies in broth, and maybe adding something like tofu. That’s probably a stretch for a lot of you.  So consider a salad, and steamed vegetables.

Try going meatless  once a week instead of that turkey club, or steak. Your system will be happier. You’ll maybe shed a few more pounds, and feel lighter on your feet the next day.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds