Tip #9: Low Glycemic Starches, and Weight Loss.

30 Tips in 30 days. Get better results, and see better health.

We’re going talk to you about starches. Starches can actually help you in your weight loss if you choose low glycemic starches, such as whole wheat pasta.

You want stay away from the processed starches because they tend to put you into a fat storage, rather than get you into a fat burn. So whenever you have a chance, go for the grains, and whole wheat pastas are much better choice.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.  Lose 2- to 5-lbs in the first two weeks, and lose 1- to 2-lbs weekly thereafter. Results may vary.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #8: Crazy Busy Days, and Weight Loss.

30-tips in 30-days. Get better health, and see better results.

Just because you have a crazy lifestyle, doesn’t mean you have to resort to fast food.

If you know you’re going to have a crazy day, plan ahead of time. Prepare and plan not just for you, but for your family. Shop bulk and cook on Sundays.

What we typically do on Sunday is grill a few days’ worth of chicken, and prepare all the salad fixings so they ready to go.

If you are in a pinch, instead of running into a fast food place, hit your grocery store. Pick us a rotisserie chicken, and grab a bag of lettuce. Head home with some healthy choices for your family.

 Just because we’re busy, doesn’t mean that we can’t eat good healthy foods. 

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #7: Healthy Fats, and Weight Loss.

30 Tips in 30 days. See better health, and get better results.

 I want talk with you today about healthy fats.

Good fats are essential part of everyone’s diet.  These would include:  salmon, avocados, almonds, olive oil, just to name a few of the really good ones.

You want to incorporate a couple of healthy fat servings into your daily diet. It will help with your elimination, and may relieve some of your joint aches and pains.

 Eat foods that contain healthy fats, drink your water, and don’t forget to move.


Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #6: Water and Weight Loss.

30 Tips in 30 days. See better results, get better health.

There was a funny show, back in the day, called: Saturday Night Live, where the cook yells out; Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger. Fast forward to losing weight, and you’ll hear me yell out; water, water, water.

There is not a better morning routine that you can do than to add water at the start of your day, and here it is: brush your teeth, weigh yourself (optional), and have a glass of water.

How much water should you drink a day?

The rule of thumb will depend on your body weight. Start by taking your current weight, so let’s say you weigh 200 pounds, cut that in half, that’s 100. Now convert those hundred pounds to 100 ounces of water.

For a person who weighs 200 pounds, the ideal amount of water to drink in the course of your day would be 100 ounces.  I know this sounds like a lot of water, but as you gain better health, and shed pounds, your water intake is going to go down.

Bottom line: at the very least, drink 64 ounces of water, or decaffeinated drinks each day.

Stay away from adult beverages, like wine and beer while you’re in the weight loss phase.

Water, water, water.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  You’ll think clearer, your skin will look better, and you’ll improve your overall health, not to mention, it will help keep your appetite down which can help you lose weight.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #5: Monday Mornings and Weight Loss.

30 tips in 30 days. Get better health, and see better results.

We’re going talk about what you do every Monday morning, or at the very least one day a week.

Get up and stretch and instead of going straight for that cup of coffee, go in and weigh and measure. It’s really a great way to start your week. It’s your litmus test, a good validation of your food choices and exercise from the past week, or maybe it’s a reset to help you get back on track. You want to wear as little as possible or nothing at all, and weigh yourself on the same scale.

I suggest that you keep a log to write down your weekly weight. I use a month at a glance wall calendar. Once a week I write down my weight. Just like you, I want be accountable, and there’s no better way than keeping a log of your weight and measurements.

Transform Yourself.

With 30-tips in 30-days it’s easy.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #4: Activity versus exercise.

30 Tips in 30 days. For better health, and see better results.

If you move all throughout the day, whether it’s deliberate or involuntary, like fidgeting or just tapping your foot, you are burning calories.

Whether you are in the gym working out vigorously, which is fantastic for overall health and your cardio health, you can still be active and burn calories. You might just want to fidget a little bit every day, burn some extra calories, and lose weight.

Transform Yourself.

Contact Joyce for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

Tip #1: Holiday leftovers and weight loss.

TIP #1: Holiday leftovers.

30-Tips in 30-Days. Get better health, and see better results.

 What do you do with all those holiday leftovers, or big dinner leftovers?

My suggestion is go out and buy some of those very inexpensive plastic bowls like: Tupperware containers, and send your leftovers home with your guests. They’ll be happy, and you won’t have those temptations calling your name in the middle of the night.

Transform Yourself.

Contact Joyce Blonskij for more information on how you can lose weight, improve your overall health, and keep the weight off.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

OUCH! Pants fit a bit snug…Blouse gaps open? You may need to shed a few pounds. 5 Steps to Weight Loss Success!


Happy New Year to all my “Its Melting Off ” friends!

It’s a new year and time to “out with the old” bad habits and in with a slimmer, sexier you!

You know what I’m talking about.  You hate it when I go here, but I have to say… It’s TIME It’s time to put down that bowl of cream and get on track for a happier healthier you! You may be in denial or just not ready to make that leap of faith, that you CAN lose weight and regain your health.  Let me share this with you… You can do what ever you set your mind to. Great accomplishments in history all began with an idea and a positive mental attitude. If you think you can you are half-way there. Want it bad enough?  Your burning desire and focus will get you another third of the way. Have the right tools and it’s a done deal. So what are the right tools for you? 5 Steps to Weight Loss Success
  • Start by surrounding yourself with like-minded people who want to get healthy.
  • Write down your long-term goal – and then break it down each day by the hour. Remember you didn’t get in this horrible shape over night it took you years of bad eating habits.
  • The most important is to find a program that you can and will adhere to. I have used many different programs in my life time and by far the most effective is Optavia Optimal 5&1 Plan TM. Do what works for you and keep doing it until you hit your goal.
  • Get a coach, pal up with a friend, join a group… stay connected. This will help you stay on track, keep your focus and be accountable.
  • Lastly – Enjoy the journey. If you slip up don’t beat yourself up. Dust off and get back on your program.
Happy New You! Want to lose weight and get healthy? I am here to help. Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach  joyce@healthcoachjb.com Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks. Take Shape For Life (TSFL) company name was changed to Optavia

If you’re not quite ready that’s ok too.  We all start this journey when its the right time. Is the time now for you? I don’t know, only you do. Decide. When ready, I’m here for you. 

Is Fear & Your Weight Issues Holding You Back From the Life You Are Destine To Live?

WE ARE ALL BORN WITH ONE FEAR…being dropped as an infant.  All the other fears we have as adults are learned along the way as a product of our growing up and experiences.

I met a young woman just this month who was afraid if she lost weight her friends would leave her and she would be alone.  For some of you reading this you may be saying… that’s terrible – if they were true friends they’d stick by your side no matter what. But for many individuals, who have lost friends because they moved away, passed away or drifted down another path… no matter what, this is how they feel and as a result would rather be unhealthy and miserable than friendless.

Another gal I recently had the pleasure of meeting, who’s terrific… is fearful that by stating another “diet plan” will result in that all too familiar yo-yo syndrome we’ve all experienced. So rather than taking a step towards a healthy life style… this reasoning is another way for her to stay frozen in time, overweight, unhealthy and unhappy.

I had my own fears. I was destine to be overweight!  In my mind I had convinced myself that no matter what others did – they were not me. They were the lucky ones that found success and could grab on to the golden ring of health. No me… I was not one of the lucky ones.

I just could not see myself as thin. I was the pretty face, the smart one, the one that could light up a room and be the life of the party… and the one who would always be “heavy”.  I believed this. It was my reality and my prison. My lot in life and I lived with it the best I could for 40 plus years. I created a false reality for myself and was not able to see that I could change.

That is until… I got it!  The “IT” we are all looking for!  That ONE THING that turns your life on a dime… It’s not surgery or pills. It’s definitely not starvation or a cabbage diet that stinks up the house!

The “IT” I found was a gift from a dear friend of mine who to me had always been a thin guy. Someone you shrugged off as being out of touch with what being fat was all about.  What do skinny people know about living in a fat body? They don’t!  They have no stinking idea of the shame and humiliation we drag along with us every place we go… day-in and day-out.  So as a fat person with my own set of beliefs I blew him off.  Several times… until I got cornered and with the look of a desperate animal in the headlights of an oncoming car I asked; “What is the minimum time commitment I have to give you”? And the reply was: 5 weeks! “God Help Me” was my first reaction and guess what… He already had!

OK — I made up my mind… I can do ANYTHING for 5 weeks, even a new “diet”… Little did I know this was no ordinary diet! IT is a way of LIFE. The best gift anyone could have presented me with.  The Gift of Health.

For Five Weeks…

  • I never went hungry.
  • I was not a grouch.
  • I had tons of energy.

What you think of yourself is all that really matters.

 How do you feel about yourself right now?

Are you ready to make a life long commitment to your own health?

If you are ready for a happier, healthy life…I can help you.  I know your struggles and fears. I have fought them and won. My clients LOVE working with me because I have been in their shoes and understand the challenges they face.  I educate them and show them how to eat smart and make good choices so their day to day choices… become Habits of Health.

Want to lose weight and get healthy? I am here to help.

Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach 


Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds

 Please feel free to email me your biggest weight challenge, and I’ll show you how I can help you.   

Move More…and Eat More Often! I like this a lot better than the old saying Move More/Eat Less!

Move more… and eat less!  We’ve all heard this time and again. Well it’s sort of true. You do need to watch what you eat and reduce calories to lose weight. But the fact of the matter is, just cutting back on calories may hurt you by reducing your muscle mass, which is just the opposite of losing FAT! The BETTER News is Move More and Eat More Often… Eating 6 or 7 small portion controlled healthy meals all through the day,  is a great way to get your body revved up while you’re: burning fat not muscle. You’ll be in a better mood which your co-workers and family will appreciate, and this will help to control your blood sugars!  Best of all, if you do it right – YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT & GET HEALTHY!

Calories In v.s Energy Out

You’ve got to get moving in your day.

STOP fighting it.  Just make a decision to START. AND DO IT!

I’m not talking about running 30 miles your first day or this time next year.  I am suggesting a: 15 to 20 walk every day. Walk the neighborhood or a mall. Taking the stairs. Parking at the end of the lot instead of next to the door. Take the kids or the dog to the park and play. (If you have a crazy cat like me… take the dog… and the cat will follow! 🙂 Stretching every day during TV commercials! That means getting out of the chair and touching your toes a couple of times an hour.

Bottom line is:  MOVE IT!

Start out easy… and work up to 30 minutes.

All you need is a pair of tennis shoes and a jacket.

Oh, don’t forget the dog.  He/she will thank you later!

Walk N Hike on Old Oak Ave Folsom with my boy

A 30 minute walk is a good way to get moving.

Don’t wait for January to roll around.

Start now!

Want to lose weight and get healthy? I am here to help. Joyce Blonskij, Independent Certified Optavia Coach  joyce@healthcoachjb.com Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks. Take Shape For Life (TSFL) company name was changed to Optavia